Poziv za učesnike na treningu “EVS Gathering”

“EVS gathering” je trening kurs/studijska posjeta za EVS koordinatore i mentore, koja je fokusirana na sličnosti između EVS priče i priča mitoloških heroja. U sklopu ovog događaja učesnici će posjetiti različite organizacije domaćine EVS volontera, podijeliti dobre prakse i učiti o novim metodama, alatima i trikovima.

Poziv je otvoren za učesnike iz sljedećih zemalja: Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czechia, Finland, Georgia, Macedonia, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine.

Rok z apliciranje na program je 09.09.2016.

Sve detalje vezano za način apliciranja pogledajte OVDJE.

O programu:

Main aim and methodology:
This course aims in general at personal development of participants and their inspiration from different examples, approaches and from visited hosting places. Also there is an aspect of sharing and networking for the improvement of EVS projects and for the most effective and smooth learning process of all actors. The methodology is a combination of training inputs, sharing sessions, experiential moments and excursions. The content includes both aspects – theoretical elements and practical tools and methods. The training course is designed for participants with some previous experience in the field, offers wider context and is targeting those who conduct EVS as an organic part of a life story.

• To learn methods for supporting learning, motivation and reflection during EVS projects
• To get inspiration from variety of visited organisations and diversity of participants
• To understand EVS as an integral part of one’s life by comparing it to tales and myths
• To share, network and start cooperation with other participants
• To get motivation for designing a smooth and natural EVS learning story
