Poziv za “Breakthrough Generation” fellowship
Prijave za Breakthrough Generation Fellowship 2019 u Oaklandu, Kaliforniji su otvorene. Breakthrough Generation je inicijativa Breakthrough instituta koji osnovan 2008. radi razvoja i unapređenja nove generacije pojedinaca koji će u budćnosti pronalaziti pragmatična rješenja za izazove sa kojim se svijet susreće u oblastima energije, ekonomije i zaštite životne sredine. Breakthrough Generation Fellowship traje 10 sedmica…
Stipendije za program “Advanced Programme in Law and Economics
Riga Graduate School of Law, in cooperation with the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other partners, offers an Advanced Programme aimed at public officials in the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) countries, Central Asia, and the Western Balkans, which will be open also for representatives of civil society and academia. The first implementation of the…